Old La Honda Torture Session

Was too hot today to train up Old La Honda, but that never stops me. I did the first mile in sub 6 minutes which is crazy fast and hit mile 2 near the redwoods in 12:30. I was right on the pace to break 20, but I started upchucking the soup I had for lunch and had to stop as I pushed it so hard I almost was going into convulsions ;) I know I can do 2/3 of the ride in sub 20 pace on a hot day. Now I need to find a cold day post China and break the 20 minute barrier. I would like to do this before Hoodoo as it would be a great to kill this one. I know Jason could easily do this when he is in shape. This reminds me of breaking 40 minutes in the 10k. Its tough to do, but if you really train for it and learn when to accelerate, I think its doable. We shall see.


nrmrvrk said…
So you rode so hard that you threw up? Damn. I've never gone that hard. I've always backed down at the gasping-for-breath stage.
Chris O'Keefe said…
Not a full upchuck, but close. I was flying off the bat at 12-13 MPH and holding 11 MPH until the hair pin right turn. My legs started feeling like lead though and i started hurting badly on the second mile. I was holding sub 20 pace (barely), but I am not capable in the heat to do it, nor really in the shape (yet). Not sure if this is the right approach, as I should probably do tempo until 2/3 and save something to hammer hard later on vs right up front.
nrmrvrk said…
I think that breaking 40 in the 10K was more learning how to run at 95% capacity and stay right on the edge without blowing up. The training for this was running with PARC every Tuesday night full bore. I would always try to keep up with the front runners who weren't pushing all that hard while I was trying to turn myself inside out.

While I was running the 10K I just kept thinking "I only have to do keep this pace for 2 more miles... one more mile..."

Finding my edge-of-the-knife pace. Find yours...