Solid Self Supported Century

473.6/600 Miles: 78.9 %
33050/48000 Feet: 68.8%

Did a self supported century that rode up Stevens Canyon to Redwood Gulch connecting to Hwy 9 up to Skyline. Took me 1:34 to get to Skyline which was inline with my best times of the past and did not feel too bad. I took a left on Skyline and climbed up to Castle Rock Park. They only charge for water, so I blew that off and hammered down Skyline past Bear Creek, Gist, Black, Zayante, Mtn. Charlie and across Hwy 17. Sprinted into the store on the left we always go to and loaded up on liquids. Dropped down Old Santa Cruz hwy that is a nice and fast descent. Hung a right at Highland past the St. Clare's Franciscan Missionary Retreat at the top near Rodeo Gulch and dropped down Branciforte. Climbed up Granite Creek which is a very easy 4 on the ACTC site. I crossed Hwy 17 and loaded up the camelbak for the climb up Mtn. Charlie and Skyline. I crushed the Mtn. Charlie climb better than I ever had in a bit more than 30 mins and w/o stopping started the climb up Skyline. Amazingly I had no problems up Skyline which usually hits me hard after a long day. After cresting at Castle Rock, I hammered down to Hwy 9, grabbed a nice hot dog and diet coke which was being served by the kid of the owner with his girlfriend who was wearing a bikini top basking in the sun. It was 80+ degrees at this time but I felt great. I hammered hard up Skyline to Page Mill climbing most in the big ring and slammed down Page Mill passing people on the descent (surprising for me) and hammering every flat I could find. This century took me 6:45 to complete and had almost 9700 feet of climbing. It was a couple of miles short, but I was not feeling crazy enough to ride around the neighborhood to get the official century. Close enough for me.

I plan on riding tues-sun this week with another century next weekend and then a nice taper with a few spin ins. I also plan on a pre TT time trial up Old la Honda a few days pre TT and see how it goes.
