Riding at Night in the Smoke

Put the ARC-Lion Light and Motion on the bike and took off for Montebello at 8:30 PM. Rode really hard to the base of Montebello setting a new record of 30:30. I cranked hard up Montebello feeling really good. As I got near the top you could barely see the lights of the city below due to all the smoke in the valley due to the wild fires. I was actually starting to cough as I climbed from all the smoke. I pulled into the top at 38:15 which was a new record for me. I thought I might go sub 37 the way I felt early in the ride, but I could not crank hard enough on the top ramps. Glad to knock off a PR, though. I should line them up one by one with this post Terrible Two shape. It was pretty fun riding with the strong light. I descended at 9:30 PM and had no issues at all in the darkness other than irrational fear of the dark ;). Comparing my times to the Low Key Hill Climb, I am moderately happy, though I would like to be in the middle of that pack. That would be 2:30 faster than I did. I think I might be able to pull that off sometime later this season.
