I had a rough Ohlone 50k, mainly due to a sore right knee that I must have tweaked on the extremely hilly course. I had no pain walking during the week, so I took a nice 4 miler out on a family vacation at Sea Ranch. The right knee hurt a bit on the run, enough for me to know I could not go much longer than 4 miles. I took a shower and went to dinner with the family. The walk to the upstairs living room of the vacation house was very painful and as I sat down in the coach, I was writhing in agony until I could stretch my leg out on the table. There was a sharp pain on the right side of my knee, not on the kneecap, but just to the right of it. I also noticed that bending it in a certain way was a guarantee for pain, but in other ways was not too bad. I drank some wine and iced the knee. This was a 9/10 in pain in its worst position, but something that could be managed by avoiding bending it too much and walking stiff legged down the stairs. The following day I was able to walk pretty well with Megan as well. The thought of a debilitating knee injury made me sick, but I will get it looked at immediately and get an MRI. The pain was bad enough for me get a jump on this one. Since I had my left knee scoped in 04, it has worked pretty well. I am hoping that this one goes away on its own, but my initial take is its pretty messed up.
Hopefully I am wrong.
Hopefully I am wrong.